Sunday, September 15, 2013

SoC framework, part 4: jtagd

As I mentioned in my previous post, libjtaghal supports a socket-based protocol for communicating with JTAG adapters. This allows some very powerful capabilities, for example sharing a single dev board among multiple developers.

The core of this is a TCP server written in C++ known as jtagd. So far I have tested it on Debian 7 on both x86_64-linux-gnu and arm-linux-gnueabihf architectures (laptop computer and Beaglebone Black).

The main jtagd executable connects to a JtagInterface object and bridges it out to a TCP socket using my custom protocol. The protocol is not 100% finalized at this point, several features (like a magic-number banner to verify the client is actually talking to a valid jtagd and not a mistyped port number) will be added before a public release.

Starting a jtagd is quite simple: run "jtagd --list" to see what interfaces are available, then connect to one of them.

azonenberg@mars$ jtagd --list
JTAG server daemon [SVN rev 1230M] by Andrew D. Zonenberg.

License: 3-clause ("new" or "modified") BSD.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Digilent API version: 2.9.3
    Enumerating interfaces... 2 found
    Interface 0: JtagSmt1
        Serial number:  SN:210203825011
        User ID:        JtagSmt1
        Default clock:  10.00 MHz
    Interface 1: JtagHs1
        Serial number:  SN:210205812611
        User ID:        JtagHs1
        Default clock:  10.00 MHz

FTDI API version: libftd2xx 1.1.4
    Enumerating interfaces... 16 found
    Interface 0: Digilent Adept USB Device A
        Serial number:  210203825011A
        User ID:        210203825011A
        Default clock:  10.00 MHz
   [[ Output trimmed for brevity ]]
    Interface 10: Dev Board JTAG
        Serial number:  FTWB6M0W
        User ID:        FTWB6M0W
        Default clock:  10.00 MHz
azonenberg@mars$ jtagd --api ftdi --serial 210203825011A --port 50200
JTAG server daemon [SVN rev 1230M] by Andrew D. Zonenberg.

License: 3-clause ("new" or "modified") BSD.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Connected to interface "Digilent Adept USB Device A (2232H)" (serial number "210203825011A")

Once the jtagd is running, you can connect to it using command-line tools such as jtagclient, or directly from C code using libjtaghal. The example here connects to a Digilent Atlys and verifies the device ID of the XC6SLX45 FPGA.

NetworkedJtagInterface iface;
iface.Connect(server, port);

//note use of RAII-style mutexing
//since jtagd is multi-client capable
JtagLock lock(m_iface);

int ndev = m_iface->GetDeviceCount();
if(ndev == 0)
 throw JtagExceptionWrapper(
  "No devices found - invalid scan chain?",

//Verify that the board is an Atlys
//Should have a single XC6SLX45
XilinxSpartan6Device* pfpga = dynamic_cast<XilinxSpartan6Device*>(m_iface->GetDevice(0));
if(pfpga == NULL)
 throw JtagExceptionWrapper(
  "Device does not appear to be a Spartan-6",
if(pfpga->GetArraySize() != XilinxSpartan6Device::SPARTAN6_LX45)
 throw JtagExceptionWrapper(
  "Device is not an XC6SLX45",

The library internally uses low-level chain operations in order to talk to the device. The code below retrieves the "Device DNA" die serial number from a Spartan-6.

void XilinxSpartan6Device::GetSerialNumber(unsigned char* data)
 JtagLock lock(m_iface);
 //Enter ISC mode (wipes configuration)
 //Read the DNA value
 unsigned char zeros[8] = {0x00};
 ScanDR(zeros, data, 57);

Stay tuned for my next post on nocswitch and the NoC-to-JTAG debug bridge :)

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